Teams and business

Create reports in 1Password Business

Learn how to create reports to see how your team is using 1Password.

With 1Password Business, you can create reports to check for any security issues, review the activity in your account, and find out how your team is using 1Password.

To get started, sign in to your account on

A team report

Security issue reports

You can view the domain breach report and the Business Watchtower report if you’re an owner or part of the Security group.

Create a domain breach report

A domain breach report showing team members whose information has been leaked in breaches.


Before you can create a domain breach report, an account owner will need to set up breach reports and verify a domain.

To view your company’s most recent domain breach report, click Reports in the sidebar, then click View Report on the Breach Report card.

A domain breach report includes:

  • Data breaches involving team members.
  • Data breaches involving company email addresses that aren’t associated with your 1Password account.

You can click Notify your Team to send an automated email to affected team members and invite other leaked company email addresses to join your 1Password account.

Learn more about how to use domain breach reports and manage your verified domains.

Create a Business Watchtower report

A Business Watchtower report showing security issues across shared vaults.


Before you can use Business Watchtower, an account owner will need to set it up. To do this, click Reports in the sidebar, click Create first report in the Business Watchtower section, then click Get Started.

To view your company’s most recent Business Watchtower report, click Reports in the sidebar, then click View Report on the Business Watchtower card.

A Business Watchtower report gives you an overview of security issues reported by Watchtower in your team’s vaults, including:

  • Weak, reused, or compromised passwords.
  • Unsecured websites.
  • Inactive two-factor authentication.
  • Items with expiration dates in the past or near future.
  • Items saved in the wrong account, based on your item domains policy.

The Report Details table at the bottom of the page lists affected vaults and their reported issues. You can use the dropdown above the table to filter by issue type.

To filter items with security issues by vault, click a vault name, then click Go to Watchtower. To address a specific type of security issue within a vault, like reused passwords, click the reported number in the table to jump directly to that category in Watchtower.

Vaults with no reported information will display a zzz icon in the Watchtower report. Vaults with outdated information will display a dashed circle icon.

Vault reports are automatically uploaded when a team member with read access to the vault signs in to or the 1Password browser extension, at most once every 24 hours.

Reports with missing information will update the next time a team member with read access signs in after the 24-hour window resets.

Account activity reports

You can create usage reports and view the sign-in attempts report if you’re an owner, administrator, or part of a group with the View Administrative Sidebar permission.

Create a usage report for a team member or vault

To create a usage report, click Reports in the sidebar, then click View report on the Usage Report card.

A usage report for a team member includes:

  • Access: The number of vaults, groups, and items the team member can access.
  • Usages by vault: An overview of the vaults where the team member has accessed items.
  • Items used: A list of items showing when they were last accessed and the action performed.

A usage report for a vault includes:

  • Items used: A list of items showing when they were last accessed, the action performed, and the team member who performed the action.

When you create a report, you’ll see information for the last 12 months. To see information for a different time period, click Date Range and adjust the selection. You can also adjust Vaults Included (for team member reports) or People Included (for vault reports).

If someone can no longer access an item, you’ll see No Access next to the Last Used date.

About item usage

Item usage history is available for the previous 12 months. It includes the following types of actions:

  • Copy password. A password was copied.
  • Create. An item was created.
  • Display. An item was viewed on
  • Edit. An item was edited.
  • Export. An item was exported.
  • Fill. A password was filled.
  • Other. An unknown action was performed on an item.*
  • Reveal. A password was revealed.
  • Select SSO provider. Unlock 1Password with SSO was set up.
  • Share. An item was shared.
  • Start editing. A team member started editing an item.

* Item usage actions are only captured on devices using 1Password 8.4.0 or later. Actions performed on items in earlier versions of 1Password are unknown and reported as Other.

Create a sign-in attempts report

To review sign-in attempts, click Reports in the sidebar, then click View report on the “Sign-in attempts” card.

You’ll see sign-in attempts from the past 60 days if they:

  • Are blocked or reported by firewall rules.
  • Failed because the 1Password app is outdated.
  • Failed due to an incorrect 1Password account password, Secret Key, or second factor.

Learn more about how to monitor sign-in attempts and adjust your security policies.

Team insight reports

You can view a team report, device report, and overview report if you’re an owner, administrator, or part of a group with the View Administrative Sidebar permission.

Create a team report

To create a team report, click Reports in the sidebar, then click View Report on the Team Report card.

A team report includes the number of people, groups, and vaults in your account. You’ll also see a list of every team member and guest, including:

A list of team members in a team report

Create a device report

To create a device report, click Reports in the sidebar, then click View Report on the Device Report card.

A device report includes the number of active devices and outdated versions of 1Password used by your team members. You’ll also see a list of the specific team members using outdated versions of 1Password.

Create an overview report

To create an overview report, click Reports in the sidebar, then click View Report on the Overview Report card.

An overview report includes the number of people, vaults, and items in your business account. It also gives you an account summary, including the number of:

  • Team members and guests, and their current status
  • Items across all vaults
  • Employee and shared vaults
  • Groups
  • Trusted devices
  • Secure files and the amount of storage used

Get help

Some things can’t be reported:

  • You can’t see which items team members have accessed in vaults you don’t have access to.
  • You can’t create reports for team members who have been removed from your team.

Learn more
