Security and privacy

1Password ports and domains

Learn which ports and domains 1Password uses, so you can make sure they’re accessible.

To use 1Password behind a firewall, add port 443 and the following domains to your whitelist:

Accounts on 1Password.comAccounts on 1Password.euAccounts on


1Password makes connections to the following domains for the purposes described:

* / .ca / .euVarious subdomains on these domains provide the core 1Password service.
*.1passwordservices.comVarious subdomains on this domain provide supporting services for 1Password, like Duo integration, telemetry, and subscription management.
* / .ca / .euProvides user content for 1Password accounts, like saved files and profile pictures.
*,, app-updates-internal.agilebits.comProvides 1Password app updates.
*.1infra.netProvides infrastructure identification within 1Password's network.
cache.agilebits.comProvides icons for Logins and Software License items.
in.appcenter.msProvides crash report management in 1Password 7 for iOS and 1Password 7.9.10 and earlier for Mac., platform.brex.comProvides support for Brex virtual cards., jmap.fastmail.comProvides support for Masked Emails in Fastmail.
globalsign.comProvides a check for code signature expiration dates on Windows when requested by the 1Password app. and othersProvides support for the LastPass importer.
Learn more about the ports and domains needed to connect to LastPass.
api.privacy.comProvides support for Privacy Cards.
api.pwnedpasswords.comProvides the vulnerable passwords feature in Watchtower using the Pwned Passwords service provided by Learn more about Watchtower privacy.

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