Teams and business

About billing for managed service providers

Learn about seats, usage, and invoice periods in your MSP account.

1Password Enterprise Password Manager - MSP Edition uses consumption-based billing, which allows you to:

  • Only pay for the seats you use, calculated at the end of each billing period (in-arrears).
  • See net usage throughout the billing period, updated daily.
  • View previous invoices and a projection of the upcoming one.

To get started, sign in to your MSP account on, then choose Billing and Seats in the sidebar.

Payment methods

You can add and manage payment methods on the Payments tab of your Billing and Seats page.

Learn more about how to add, remove, or update a payment method.

An example of the Payments tab for MSP accounts.

Seats and usage

An example of the Usage tab for MSP accounts, showing companies and net seats.

To find your seat usage, choose the Usage tab on your Billing and Seats page.

  • A seat is any user in an account with the active, awaiting confirmation, or recovery status. This includes both team members and guests.
  • Usage is calculated at the end of each day and prorated. Net usage is calculated by taking the sum of each day’s usage and dividing it by the number of days in the billing period.
  • 1Password for Managed Service Providers includes 5 internal use licenses for your own team. Additional internal seats are paid based on usage.

You can filter usage data by company or date. Usage data is available for the entire history of your MSP account.

Upcoming usage projections

To view a snapshot of upcoming usage, scroll to the “Usage snapshot” section on the Payments tab of your Billing and Seats page.

The projection is calculated as your current usage if it were to continue until the end of the billing period. If you add or remove seats during the period, the projection will update automatically.

View and manage invoices

To view your invoices, navigate to the Invoices tab on your Billing and Seats page. Select View Invoice for the billing period you’re interested in to see a specific invoice. Invoices are calculated based on seats and usage.

Read your invoice

  1. Billing information: Your company name and the MSP Technician who receives the invoice.
  2. Invoice ID: The unique ID and date for the invoice.
  3. Charge summary: You’ll see a line item for each managed company with active seats during the billing period. The invoice lists the number of net seats used and the price per seat.

    Learn how seats and usage are calculated.

  4. Tax: If your address is one where 1Password collects tax, you’ll see the tax rate and total here.
  5. Total: The subtotal of all managed companies plus applicable taxes.

You'll see any applicable discounts after the subtotal.

An example 1Password for MSP invoice

Manage invoices

You can change who receives invoices for your MSP account or add email addresses for anyone else who should receive them. Invoice recipients aren’t required to be part of your 1Password account.

Choose Invoice Settings, then update the fields and choose Save Settings. Future invoices will be sent as PDF attachments to any email addresses you add.

Get help

Your managed accounts will be billed through your account, so if any of your clients have questions about 1Password billing, they should reach out to you for help.

If your account is frozen, you’ll need to reactivate your subscription for you and your managed companies to continue using 1Password. Make sure your payment method is active to prevent your account from being frozen.

If you want to cancel your subscription, contact 1Password MSP Support.

If your company is exempt from sales tax, learn how to request removal of tax.

Learn more
