Using 1Password

1Password item categories

Learn about the different types of items you can save in 1Password, including logins, secure notes, and credit cards.

Common item categories


Login items include fields like username, password, website, and one-time password. This category is used for saving or filling logins.

Secure Note

Secure Note items contain a text field that can be formatted with Markdown.

Credit Card

Credit Card items include fields like card number, verification number, and expiry date for your credit and debit card information. You can use this category to fill card information in your browser.


Identity items include fields like first name, last name, address, birth date, phone number, email address, and username. You can use these items to fill address information and see email address and username suggestions when you sign up for a new account on a website.


Password items include a field for a password. If you enter a username when creating a Password item, it will automatically convert to a Login item.


Document items can be used to upload your important files.

Other item categories

API Credential

API Credential items include fields like username, credential, and hostname needed to access API tools.

Bank Account

Bank Account items include fields like routing number, account number, and PIN to save your banking information.

Crypto Wallet

Crypto Wallet items include fields like recovery phrase, password, and wallet address.


Database items include fields like type, server, port, username, and password.

Driver License

Driver License items include fields like license number, name, and expiry date.

Email Account

Email Account items include fields like username, server, port number, and authentication method.

Medical Record

Medical Record items include fields like date, location, healthcare professional, and reason for visit. You can use this category to save any of your health-related information.


Membership items include fields like group, name, phone number, member ID, and PIN.

Outdoor License

Outdoor License items include fields like approved wildlife, maximum quota, state, and country.


Passport items include fields like issuing country, number, full name, and nationality.

Reward Program

Reward Program items include fields like company name, member name, member ID, and PIN.


SSH Key items contain an option to generate new SSH keys or import existing SSH keys. You can use this category with the 1Password SSH agent to integrate with your Git and SSH workflows.


Server items include fields like URL, username, and password.

Social Security Number

Social Security Number items include fields for your name and Social Security number.

Software License

Software License items include fields like version, license key, registered email, and download page.

Wireless Router

Wireless Router items include fields like base station name, base station password, network name, and network password. You’ll see a Wi-Fi QR code if you have the network name and network password fields filled in for your item.
