Teams and business

Use the built-in groups in your team

Learn how to add and remove people from the Owner, Administrator, and Team Member groups.

1Password comes with three built-in groups you can use to delegate administrative responsibilities to your team members. With 1Password Business, you can also use custom groups.


Add a second owner to your team as soon as possible to make sure everyone on your team always has access when they need it, including you.

Team Members

Team Members group picture
Everyone in your team belongs to the Team Members group, with the exception of guests. Team Members don’t have any team-level administrative permissions but may be able to manage individual vaults. Team Members can’t be removed from this group.


Security group picture

People in the Security group can view security reports and account activity.

You’ll only see this group after you set up the domain breach report.


Administrators group picture
Administrators can add and manage vaults, groups, and team members. They can also recover accounts.


Owners group picture
Owners can do everything Administrators can, plus make changes to billing and delete the team. The account creator automatically belongs to the Owners group, and more owners can be added at any time. Owners can be removed from the group, but there must be at least one on the team.

Provision Managers

The Provision Managers group picture

Provision Managers can provision and confirm team members, as well as recover accounts. Only the Automated User Provisioning service account or CLI user who manages provisioning should be included in this group.

You’ll only see this group after you set up automated provisioning with 1Password SCIM Bridge or 1Password CLI.

Manage group membership

To add or remove people from the built-in groups:

  1. Sign in to your 1Password account.
  2. Click Groups in the sidebar to see a list of your groups.
  3. Click Owners, Administrators, or Security.
  4. Click Manage in the People section.
  5. Select or deselect team members, then click Update Group Members.

Appendix: Default permissions

The built-in groups cannot be deleted. The chart below shows the default permissions for each of them. With 1Password Business, you can create groups with custom permissions.

PermissionOwnerAdministratorSecurityTeam Member
Create Vaults
View Administrative Sidebar
View Security Reports
Recover Accounts
Manage People
Suspend People
Invite & Remove People
Manage All Groups
Manage Settings
Manage Billing
Delete Account

Create Vaults is not turned on by default for team members on teams created before April 9, 2017.

Appendix: Export group members

You can export a list of everyone in a group to a comma-separated values (CSV) file:

  1. Click Groups in the sidebar.
  2. Choose the group you want to export.
  3. Click Export list of group members (CSV) at the bottom of the People section.

    You may need to scroll down to see this button.

The exported file includes UUIDs, names, and roles of people in the group. If someone’s role is R, they’re a group member. If their role is A, they’re a group manager.

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