Security and privacy

About the 1Password Give Feedback form

Learn what is and isn’t included in the feedback form available to business and team administrators.

You can provide feedback about 1Password if you’re an administrator in a team or business account. To use the feedback form, sign in to your account on and select Give Feedback in the sidebar.

When you provide feedback on, some basic diagnostics information is included with your message.

The Give Feedback form on

Your secrets are not included with your feedback

We only use the feedback you provide to help improve 1Password. None of your sensitive 1Password data or secrets are ever sent to us.

  • Your 1Password account password is not included.
    We don’t log or store your account password anywhere, and we’ll never ask you for it.
  • Your Secret Key is not included.
    We don’t log your Secret Key, and we’ll never ask you for it.
  • Your 1Password data is not included.
    We’ll never ask for your data file or any information it contains.

Information included when you use the feedback form

When you use the Give Feedback form, the following information is included:

Feedback information

  • Message entered in the feedback form
  • Contact preference based on your selection

Account information

  • Email of the account you’re currently signed into on your browser

Browser information

  • Current URL path where the form is submitted from

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