Teams and Businesses

Get started with 1Password Events Reporting and Elastic

Learn how to send your 1Password account activity to Elasticsearch using the 1Password Events API Beat.

With 1Password Business, you can send your account activity to Elasticsearch using the 1Password Events API Beat. Get reports about 1Password activity like sign-in attempts, item usage, and audit events while you manage all your company’s applications and services from a central location. With 1Password Events Reporting and Elastic, you can:

  • Control your 1Password data retention
  • Build custom graphs and dashboards
  • Set up custom alerts that trigger specific actions
  • Cross-reference 1Password events with the data from other services

You can set up Events Reporting if you’re an owner, administrator, or part of a group with the View Administrative Sidebar permission.

Step 1: Set up an Events Reporting integration

To get started, sign in to your 1Password account, click Integrations in the sidebar, and choose Elastic.

Then follow these steps to add an Elastic integration to your 1Password account and create a bearer JSON web token:

  1. Enter a name for the integration, then click Add Integration.
  2. Enter a name for the bearer token and choose when it will expire. Select the event types the token has access to, then click Issue Token.
  3. Click Save in 1Password and choose which vault to save your token to. Then click View Integration Details.

You can now use your bearer token to authenticate the 1Password Events API Beat with Elasticsearch.

You can issue or revoke bearer tokens at any time.

Step 2: Connect your 1Password account to Elastic

There are two ways to connect your 1Password account to Elastic. The 1Password Elastic Integration includes pre-configured Kibana dashboards to monitor events for your 1Password account. The 1Password Events Reporting API Beat is run from the command line and uses the Events REST API to get information from 1Password and send it securely to Elasticsearch.

If you use 1Password Elastic Integration

This 1Password Elastic integration requires Elastic Stack with at least one Elastic Agent installed and enrolled, and Kibana 7.16 or later. Learn how to install Elastic Agents.

  1. Sign in to your Elastic account.
  2. Open Kibana and click Add integrations.
  3. Choose 1Password from the list of integrations.
  4. Click Add 1Password.
  5. Give your integration a name and description.
  6. Enter your Events API Server address in the URL of 1Password Events API Server field.
  7. Enter the bearer token you invoked in the 1Password Authorization Token field.
  8. Turn on the events you want to collect. Your selection should match the event types you chose when you created your bearer token.
  9. Click Save and continue > Add Elastic Agent to your hosts.

Kibana will guide you through the remaining steps to configure the integration.

You can now access the integration’s built-in Kibana dashboards to monitor events from your 1Password account.

If you use 1Password Events Reporting API Beat

The 1Password Events API Beat returns information from 1Password through requests to the Events REST API and sends that data securely to Elasticsearch. Requests are authenticated with a bearer token. Issue a token for each application or service you use.

To connect your 1Password account to Elastic:

  1. Download and install the 1Password Events API Elastic Beat from the 1Password GitHub repository.

  2. Download an example eventsapibeat.yml file.

  3. Configure the YAML file for the Beat to include:

    • The bearer token you saved previously in the auth_token fields for each 1Password event type you plan to monitor.
    • The output for events (sent directly to Elasticsearch, or through Logstash).
    • Any other configurations you want to customize.
  4. Run the following command:

     ./eventsapibeat -c eventsapibeat.yml -e

You can now use Elasticsearch with the 1Password Events API Beat to monitor events from your 1Password account. The returned data will follow the Elastic Common Schema (ECS) specifications.

Appendix: Issue or revoke bearer tokens

Issue a bearer token

  1. Sign in to your account on and click Integrations in the sidebar.
  2. Choose the Events Reporting integration where you want to issue a token and click Add a token.
  3. Enter a name for the bearer token and choose when it will expire. Select the event types the token has access to, then click Issue Token.
  4. Click Save in 1Password and choose which vault to save your token to. Then click View Integration Details.

Revoke a bearer token


Elasticsearch will stop ingesting events after a token is revoked. To minimize downtime, issue a replacement token before you revoke one.

  1. Sign in to your account on and click Integrations in the sidebar.
  2. Choose the Events Reporting integration where you want to revoke a token.
  3. Click next to the token you want to revoke, then click Revoke.

Update a bearer token in Elastic

If you issue a new bearer token in 1Password, you’ll need to update the token in the eventsapibeat.yml file, then restart the Beat.

Appendix: Elastic Beat YAML file schema

			insecure_skip_verify: false
				enabled: true
				auth_token: ""
				sample_frequency: "10s"
				cursor_state_file: "signinattempts.eventsapibeatstate"
				starting_cursor: >
					{ "limit": 1000, "start_time": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z" }
				enabled: true
				auth_token: ""
				sample_frequency: "10s"
				cursor_state_file: "itemusages.eventsapibeatstate"
				starting_cursor: >
					{ "limit": 1000, "start_time": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z" }
				enabled: true
				auth_token: ""
				sample_frequency: "10s"
				cursor_state_file: "auditevents.eventsapibeatstate"
				starting_cursor: >
					{ "limit": 1000, "start_time": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z" }

		#  hosts: ["localhost:5044"]

		#  pretty: true

		    hosts: ["localhost:9200"]
		    index: "%{[agent.type]}-%{[agent.version]}-%{[@metadata][event_type]}-%{+yyyy.MM}"
		setup.ilm.enabled: false "eventsapibeat"
		setup.template.pattern: "eventsapibeat-*"
insecure_skip_verifybooleanWhether to verify the Events API certificate chain and host name.
signin_attemptsobjectA Sign-in attempts object.
item_usagesobjectAn Item usages object.
audit_eventsobjectAn Audit events object.

attempts object

enabledbooleanWhether to return sign-in attempts when running the Beat.
auth_tokenstringAn Events Reporting bearer JSON web token.

The bearer token it must have access to the sign-in attempts feature.

sample_frequencystringThe number of seconds to wait between attempts to return new events.
cursor_state_filestringA file where the last cursor position is saved, for future calling of the Events API.
starting_cursorstringAn Events API ResetCursor JSON string.

Item usages object

enabledbooleanWhether to return item usage events when running the Beat.
auth_tokenstringAn Events Reporting bearer JSON web token.

The bearer token it must have access to the item usage feature.

sample_frequencystringThe number of seconds to wait between attempts to return new events.
cursor_state_filestringA file where the last cursor position is saved, for future calling of the Events API.
starting_cursorstringAn Events API ResetCursor JSON string.

Audit events object

enabledbooleanWhether to return audit events when running the Beat.
auth_tokenstringAn Events Reporting bearer JSON web token.

The bearer token it must have access to the audit events feature.

sample_frequencystringThe number of seconds to wait between attempts to return new events.
cursor_state_filestringA file where the last cursor position is saved, for future calling of the Events API.
starting_cursorstringAn Events API ResetCursor JSON string.

Learn more about how to configure the outputs for Elasticsearch , Logstash , the Console , and more.

Appendix: List of 1Password server URLs

If your account is on:Your Events API URL is:
1Password.com (1Password Business) (1Password Enterprise)

Appendix: List of 1Password event types

Event typeDescription
Audit eventsReturns information about actions performed by team members in a 1Password account, such as changes made to the account, vaults, groups, users, and more.
Item usageReturns information about items in shared vaults that have been modified, accessed, or used.
attemptsReturns information about sign-in attempts (successful and failed).

Appendix: Elastic Common Schema

The 1Password Events API Beat returns data using the Elastic Common Schema (ECS) specifications.


@timestampThe date and time of the sign-in attempt. Uses the RFC 3339 standard.
event.actionThe category of the sign-in attempt.
user.idThe UUID of the user that attempted to sign in to the account.
user.full_nameThe name of the user, hydrated at the time the event was generated.
user.emailThe email address of the user, hydrated at the time the event was generated.
os.nameThe name of the operating system of the user that attempted to sign in to the account.
os.versionThe version of the operating system of the user that attempted to sign in to the account.
source.ipThe IP address that attempted to sign in to the account.
onepassword.uuidThe UUID of the event.
onepassword.session_uuidThe UUID of the session that created the event.
onepassword.typeDetails about the sign-in attempt.
onepassword.countryThe country code of the event. Uses the ISO 3166 standard.
onepassword.detailsAdditional information about the sign-in attempt, such as any firewall rules that prevent a user from signing in.
onepassword.client.app_nameThe name of the 1Password app that attempted to sign in to the account.
onepassword.client.app_versionThe version number of the 1Password app.
onepassword.client.platform_nameThe name of the platform running the 1Password app.
onepassword.client.platform_versionThe version of the browser or computer where the 1Password app is installed, or the CPU of the machine where the 1Password command-line tool is installed.

Item usage

@timestampThe date and time the item was accessed. Uses the RFC 3339 standard.
event.actionDetails about how the item was used. Actions are only captured from client apps using 1Password 8.4.0 or later. Learn about item usage actions.
user.idThe UUID of the user that accessed the item.
user.full_nameThe name of the user, hydrated at the time the event was generated.
user.emailThe email address of the user, hydrated at the time the event was generated.
os.nameThe name of the operating system the item was accessed from.
os.versionThe version of the operating system the item was accessed from.
source.ipThe IP address the item was accessed from.
onepassword.uuidThe UUID of the event.
onepassword.used_versionThe version of the item that was accessed.
onepassword.vault_uuidThe UUID of the vault the item is in.
onepassword.item_uuidThe UUID of the item that was accessed.
onepassword.client.app_nameThe name of the 1Password app the item was accessed from.
onepassword.client.app_versionThe version number of the 1Password app.
onepassword.client.platform_nameThe name of the platform the item was accessed from.
onepassword.client.platform_versionThe version of the browser or computer where the 1Password app is installed, or the CPU of the machine where the 1Password command-line tool is installed.

Audit events

@timestampThe date and time of the audit event. Uses the RFC 3339 standard.
event.actionDetails about the type of action that was taken for the audit event. Learn about audit events.
user.idThe UUID of the user who performed the action.
source.ipThe IP address that performed the audit event.
onepassword.uuidThe UUID of the audit event.
onepassword.object_typeThe target object type of the audit event.
onepassword.object_uuidThe target object UUID of the audit event.
onepassword.aux_uuidAny auxiliary UUID of the audit event.
onepassword.aux_infoThe Any auxiliary info of the audit event.
oonepassword.session.session_uuidThe UUID of the user session that performed the audit event.
onepassword.session.device_uuidThe UUID of the device that performed the audit event.
onepassword.session.login_timeThe login time of the user session that performed the audit event.

Get help

To change the event types a token has access to, issue a new token.

To get help with Events Reporting, or to share feedback, contact the 1Password Business team.

Learn more

Still need help?

If this article didn't answer your question, contact 1Password Support.
