Third-party sync

If you see “Vault Mismatch” on your iPhone or iPad

Get help when the data on your iOS device doesn't match what's on Dropbox.

About the message

When the 1Password vault on your device is different from the vault you’re attempting to sync with on Dropbox, 1Password will let you know.
Vault Mismatch: It appears that the data in the Primary vault is different from the vault you selected in Dropbox. We recommend that you do not merge these vaults.

What you should do

Tap More Info to see some information that will help you decide what to do.

If the vaults are very similar

If the number of items in the vaults is close and the similarity rating is high:

  1. Back up 1Password on your other devices.
  2. Tap Merge These Vaults Anyway.

Scroll through your vault to make sure everything looks good.

If the vaults are very different

If the number of items in the vaults differs by a large amount or the similarity rating is below 90%, send us a diagnostics report.

Merge These Vaults Anyway