
Move your data from SplashID to 1Password

Moving your data from SplashID to 1Password requires an iPhone or iPad and a Dropbox account, or a Mac with macOS High Sierra 10.13.3 or earlier.

If you have an iPhone or iPad and a Dropbox account

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open and unlock SplashID.
  2. Tap Settings > Dropbox, then tap Export CSV to Dropbox.
  3. Name the file pm_export.csv and save it in Dropbox.
  4. On your computer, import pm_export.csv into your account on

After you’ve verified that your information is in 1Password, permanently delete the unencrypted pm_export.csv file from Dropbox. 

If you have a Mac with macOS High Sierra 10.13.3 or earlier

To export your data from SplashID on a Mac, you’ll need SplashID for Mac or earlier, which is a 32-bit app that only works on macOS High Sierra 10.13.3 or earlier. Later versions of SplashID 8 can only save encrypted data, which is impossible for other apps to import, including 1Password.

Before you export your data from SplashID, temporarily turn off any backup software you may be using, so the unencrypted export file isn’t backed up. Then follow these steps:

  1. Open and unlock SplashID.
  2. From the File menu, choose Export > SplashID vID.
    • Don’t select Export Attachments.
    • Don’t set a password.
    • Choose No if you’re asked to Send Mail.
  3. Name the file pm_export.vid and save it to your desktop.
  4. Open and unlock 1Password for Mac, choose File > Import, and follow the onscreen instructions.


After you’ve imported your information into 1Password, delete the unencrypted pm_export.vid file, then turn on any backup software you turned off earlier.

Next steps
