
View and edit your items on 1Password.com (beta)

the 1Password icon

1Password is the simple, beautiful password manager you’ve been looking for. Easily organize your secure information, create and share vaults, and have everything available at your fingertips.

To get started testing the redesigned experience on 1Password.com, visit this page and sign in to your account on 1Password.com.


If you’re using the original view on 1Password.com, learn how to view and edit your items.

Create and edit items

All Vaults on 1Password.com showing Dropbox item details

To see an item’s details, select the item you want.

To create an item, select New Item and choose an item type. You can also search for an item type.

To edit an item, choose the item you want and select Edit. When you’re done making changes, select Save.

To see only certain types of items, select a category in the sidebar. Select All Items to see everything in the current vault.

Search 1Password

Searching is the fastest way to find what you need in 1Password.

Use the search field above the list of items to find what you’re looking for.

The search bar on 1Password.com with 'meridian' in the search field with four results displayed

Organize with favorites and tags

You can mark your items as favorites or organize them with tags to quickly access them when you need them.

To mark an item as a favorite, select in the item’s details and select Add to Favorites.

To add a tag, edit an item, enter the name of the tag in the tag field, and select Save. Your tags automatically appear in the sidebar.

Favorites and tags in the sidebar on 1Password.com

Switch vaults

You can use vaults in 1Password to organize your items and share them with others.

To switch to a specific vault, select the name of the vault or All Vaults at the top of the sidebar and choose a vault.

The vault dropdown menu in the sidebar on 1Password.com with the Private vault selected

Move or copy items

To move an item, select in the item’s details and select Move, then choose a vault.

To copy an item, select in the item’s details and select Duplicate, then choose the vault to copy it to.

The ellipsis dropdown menu for an item on 1Password.com with Move selected

Reveal and enlarge passwords

You can temporarily reveal or enlarge a password to make it easier to see while entering it on another device or reading it aloud.

To reveal a password, select > Reveal.

To enlarge a password, select > Show in Large Type.

A Login item on 1Password.com with the Reveal and Show in Large Type dropdown shown

Delete items

To delete an item, select in the item’s details and select Delete.

To restore a deleted item, select Recently Deleted in the sidebar, then choose the item and select Restore Item.

A deleted item on 1Password.com with the Restore Item option visible