Using 1Password

Change where a login is suggested and filled

Learn how to adjust autofill behaviors to change where logins are suggested and filled.

When you save a username and password in 1Password, the website or app you’re on is saved along with it. 1Password uses this information to suggest the login in the future. You can adjust the behavior of these suggestions for any item, so they only appear where relevant.

When you change the autofill behavior for a website field, suggestions will be affected in 1Password in the browser, Autofill on iOS or Android devices, and Quick Access.

Change where a login is suggested

To change where a Login item is suggested:

  1. Open and unlock 1Password for Mac.
  2. Select a Login item and click Edit.
  3. Click the Autofill behavior button next to a website field, then choose a behavior:
  4. Save the item.
The autofill behavior setting in an item.

To change where a Login item is suggested:

  1. Open and unlock 1Password for iOS.
  2. Open a Login item and tap Edit.
  3. Tap the Autofill behavior button next to a website field, then choose a behavior:
  4. Save the item.
The autofill behavior setting in an item.

To change where a Login item is suggested:

  1. Open and unlock 1Password for Windows.
  2. Select a Login item and click Edit.
  3. Click the Autofill behavior button next to a website field, then choose a behavior:
  4. Save the item.
The autofill behavior setting in an item.

To change where a Login item is suggested:

  1. Open and unlock 1Password for Android.
  2. Open a Login item and tap Edit.
  3. Tap the Autofill behavior button next to a website field, then choose a behavior:
  4. Save the item.
The autofill behavior setting in an item.

To change where a Login item is suggested:

  1. Open and unlock 1Password for Linux.
  2. Select a Login item and click Edit.
  3. Click the Autofill behavior button next to a website field, then choose a behavior:
  4. Save the item.
The autofill behavior setting in an item.

Fill anywhere on this website (default)

This is the default behavior because it’s secure and is compatible with most websites and use cases.

You’ll see the item as a suggestion on any page that’s part of the website, including subdomains. The item may also be suggested on related websites known to belong to the same organization. 1Password identifies matching websites according to their effective top-level domain (eTLD + 1), using the Public Suffix List and custom rules.

For example, if the website field is, you’ll see the item suggestion on all of the following domains:

Only fill on this exact domain

You’ll see the item as a suggestion only if the domain (hostname and port) is an exact match.


This autofill behavior treats www as distinct from the hostname. If you want an item to be suggested on both and, you’ll need to add both URLs in separate website fields.

For example, if the website field is, you’ll see the item suggestion on only the first of these domains:

Never fill on this website

1Password will ignore this website field when determining whether the item can be filled. This is useful if you don’t want the item to be suggested under any circumstances.

Multiple website fields

You can configure autofill behaviors for each website field on an item, and they will combine to produce a compound effect.

If you only have one website field in an item, learn how to add more.

For example, if your Login item has the following website fields and behaviors, you’ll see the item suggestion on both subdomains, but not the main domain:

Get help

If you use Autofill on an iOS device, settings you’ve chosen for specific domains won’t be respected for login suggestions shown near the top of the keyboard or the bottom of the screen. To see the list of items with your autofill behaviors applied, tap the passwords key icon beside the login suggestion.

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