Security and privacy

About the 1Password Unencrypted Export format

Learn all the details about 1PUX files, including their file and data structures.

Your data is yours. If you want to export your data from 1Password for any reason, you can. The 1Password Unencrypted Export (1PUX) format allows you to export 1PUX files, so you can access your data outside of 1Password. You can export a 1PUX file for each of your accounts and use it to transition to another password manager.

File structure

When you export your data, 1Password creates a 1PUX file for each unlocked account. The 1PUX format is based on JSON, a lightweight notation for structuring data. JSON is able to preserve the 1Password data structure and contents more accurately than CSV. The name of the 1PUX file is based on the UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) of the account. This guarantees the filename is unique and will stay the same every time you export.

Each 1PUX file is a ZIP archive that includes the following files:

    <account UUID>.1pux
    │── export.attributes
    └── files
        └── ...

Export attributes file

The export.attributes file contains a JSON dictionary with information needed to properly view the contents of the 1PUX file. It contains the following key/value pairs:

  • version: An integer with the version number.
  • description: A brief description of the format. In this case, 1Password Unencrypted Export.
  • createdAt: A Unix timestamp of when the export.attribute file was created.

Example export.attributes file:

		"version": 3,
		"description": "1Password Unencrypted Export",
		"createdAt": 1585333569

Export data file

The file contains a JSON dictionary of all of the exported data starting at the account level. The information is in the form of a nested tree with account, vault, and item details.

The file follows the following structure:

	"accounts": [{
		"attrs": {...
		"vaults": [{
			"attrs": {...
			"items": [{
				"file": {
					"attrs": {...
					"path": "..."

Some of the attributes in the file are specific to the 1Password application. The list below describes the most relevant attributes, including the information about your items and vaults that you see when using 1Password.

Account attributes

Account attributes contain the following key/value pairs:

  • accountName: The name associated with the 1Password account.
  • name: The name associated with the account.
  • avatar: The filename of the avatar associated with the account.
  • email: The email address associated with the account.
  • uuid: The unique identifier associated with the account. This UUID will also be the name of the 1PUX file.
  • domain: The URL associated with the account. For example:

Vault attributes

Vault attributes contain the following key/value pairs:

  • uuid: UUID generated when a vault is created.
  • desc: Vault description entered by the user.
  • avatar: URL string of the avatar for the vault.
  • name: String indicating the name of the vault.
  • type: Single character defining the vault type. Options include:
    • P: A personal vault (sometimes called Private in the interface) is a vault that only a user has read/write access to.
    • E: The Everyone vault (called Shared in the interface) is a vault that everyone in a team should have read/write access to.
    • U: A user-created vault is any vault that the user creates.

Item attributes

Item attributes contain the following key/value pairs:

  • uuid: UUID generated when an item is created. Note that item UUIDs are only considered unique within a vault.
  • favIndex: Integer. 0 indicates not a favorite. Greater than 0 indicates a favorite.
  • createdAt: a Unix timestamp of when the item was created.
  • updatedAt: a Unix timestamp of when the item was last updated.
  • state: String. active indicates the normal state of an item. archived indicates that the item was archived.
  • categoryUuid: Populated when the item is created. This indicates the item type, for example, a login or a password.
  • overview: The summary fields displayed in an overview, for example, a list of items.
    • subtitle: A subtitle generated by 1Password for the item based on the item type and contents.
    • title: The name of the item.
    • url: The primary URL of the item.
    • urls: Array of URL objects. Each URL object contains a label and URL string.
    • tags: An array of strings. Each tag is its own string.
  • details: Holds the rest of the data not stored in the Overview as described in the following section.

Item details

Not every item will have all the item detail attributes. Attributes will depend on item type and populated fields for an item.

  • loginFields: An array of form elements that the browser extension saved when creating the Login item. Also known as Web Form Details.
    • value: The field’s value as a string or the empty string.
    • name: The field’s name attribute as a string or the empty string.
    • type: The field’s type attribute as a string. This is a short string representing an HTML field type. This may not correspond to the field type in 1Password. The following types will often contain user data, but are not an exhaustive list:
      • T: Text, or HTML element without a specified type.
      • E: An Email address.
      • U: A URL.
      • N: A Number.
      • P: A Password.
      • A: A Textarea.
      • TEL: A Telephone number.
    • designation: Valid values for designation are username and password. At most two fields may have a designation, one for username and one for password, and no two fields should have the same designation value.
  • notesPlain: String. Notes for the item. Preserves any markdown formatting.
  • sections: Sections are groups of fields. Sections have 3 properties:
    • title: String. The title is the user-presented heading for this group of fields.
    • name: String. The name of a section is its unique identifier within the item.
    • fields: Array of field objects.
      • title: The title, or label for the field.
      • id: An identifier for the field. Uniqueness isn’t guaranteed. If it’s a user-created field the UI should create a UUID for the identifier. If it’s a field based on a template, the template will provide an identifier.*
      • value: The field’s value. This will be dependent on the field’s type.
  • passwordHistory: An array of previously used passwords for the item. The value is an array of URL objects which consists of JSON objects (dictionaries):
    • value: String. The non-current password.
    • time: A Unix timestamp of when this password became the non-current password.

* Supported section ID types: Address, Concealed, Credit Card Number, Credit Card Type, Date, Email, Gender, Menu, Month Year, One Time Password, Phone, Reference, String, URL.

Example data file

Here is an example item from a 1PUX file. Note that the information is unencrypted.

	"accounts": [{
		"attrs": {
			"accountName": "Wendy Appleseed",
			"name": "Wendy Appleseed",
			"avatar": "profile-pic.png",
			"email": "",
			"uuid": "D4RI47B7BJDT25C2LWA7LEJLHZ",
			"domain": ""
		"vaults": [{
			"attrs": {
				"uuid": "rr3lr6c2opoggvrete23q72ahi",
				"desc": "",
				"avatar": "pic.png",
				"name": "Personal",
				"type": "P"
			"items": [{
				"uuid": "fkruyzrldvizuqlnavfj3gltfe",
				"favIndex": 1,
				"createdAt": 1614298956,
				"updatedAt": 1635346445,
				"state": "active",
				"categoryUuid": "001",
				"details": {
					"loginFields": [{
						"value": "most-secure-password-ever!",
						"id": "",
						"name": "password",
						"fieldType": "P",
						"designation": "password"
					"notesPlain": "This is a note. *bold*! _italic_!",
					"sections": [{
						"title": "Security",
						"name": "Section_oazxddhvftfknycbbmh5ntwfa4",
						"fields": [{
							"title": "PIN",
							"id": "CCEF647B399604E8F6Q6C8C3W31AFD407",
							"value": {
								"concealed": "12345"
							"indexAtSource": 0,
							"guarded": false,
							"multiline": false,
							"dontGenerate": false,
							"inputTraits": {
								"keyboard": "default",
								"correction": "default",
								"capitalization": "default"
					"passwordHistory": [{
						"value": "12345password",
						"time": 1458322355
					"documentAttributes": {
			"fileName": "My movie.mp4",
			"documentId": "o2xjvw2q5j2yx6rtpxfjdqopom",
			"decryptedSize": 3605932
				"overview": {
					"subtitle": "",
					"urls": [{
						"label": "",
						"url": ""
					"title": "Dropbox",
					"url": "",
					"ps": 100,
					"pbe": 86.13621,
					"pgrng": true

Files folder

The files folder contains all of the Document items, file attachments, and custom icons from the exported account. The name of each file begins with its documentID found in the file.

For example: poegva18p5aejemc6rk8bpldqq___Passport Photo.png
